Life once overwhelmed me as I struggled with temptation. The world can be wicked, but it’s up to us to handle it properly. For instance, when faced with the temptation of naked people on our phones or in the market, instead of hiding or succumbing, we can fast for three days and pray for guidance. The Lord’s answer is inside us, and we should follow His promptings. Forgiveness is key, and it’s a hard but necessary step in our journey. We must also learn to give, not just seek honor, and anchor on prayer. This journey takes time, and the Lord will guide us through it. The final destination is the presence of God, where transfiguration takes place. To get there, we must renew our minds, mortify the flesh, and kill distractions. Prayer is ongoing, and it may take many months. The Lord may ask us to turn off our phones and delete social media to combat distractions and negativity. The goal is to ascend to the presence and understand the spiritual life.