This will be one of the hardest books you have ever tried to read. SATAN DOES NOT WANT YOU TO READ THIS MATERIAL!
Heavenly Father, I ask you to shield and protect the reader of this book and give him or her a clear understanding of all that you have directed us to say. I ask you for this, and thank you, in the precious name of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The purpose of this book is to show you the many ways Satan and his demons are at work in the world today, to show you how you can effectively fight against them, AND how you can be set free from the bondage of Satan.
Satan will do everything he can to keep you from reading this. He will afflict you with overwhelming sleepiness, confusion, constant interruptions and many other things. FEAR is one of Satan’s major weapons. He will use fear to try to stop you from reading this book. You simply need to rebuke fear directly and out loud in the nameof Jesus Christ to overcome it. Also pray and ask for shielding as you read in order to understand this material.
My deepest appreciation goes first to the Lord, and then to Elaine. The writing of this book would not have been possible without the information given to me by Elaine, and the strength, guidance and encouragement given to me by the Lord. (I have written Elaine’s story as she told it to me. Obviously I cannot document everything in her story, but it is not unique in that many many others coming out of Satan’s kingdom give similar testimonies.)
All names have been changed to protect the people involved in this book. We pray earnestly that the Lord Jesus Christ will bless you richly with His salvation and understanding as you read the following pages.
“And he [Jesus] came to Nazareth, where he
had been brought up: and, as his custom
was, he went into the synagogue on the
sabbath day, and stood up for to read. And
there was delivered unto him the book of the
prophet Esaias [Isaiah]. And when he had
opened the book, he found the place where it
was written,‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he hath anointed me to preach
the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me
to heal the broken-hearted,to preach
deliverance to the captives, and
recovering of sight to the blind, to set at
liberty them that are bruised, to preach
the acceptable year of the Lord.’
And he closed the book, and he gave it
again to the minister, and sat down. And
the eyes of all them that were in the
synagogue were fastened on him. And he
began to say unto them, this day is this
Scripture fulfilled in your ears.”
Luke 4:16-21